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Incise - Strife ft. Hydroponikz & Anika

It's a bit of a miserable day weatherwise. But good things shall come shall I work for it, not expect it. It's home, movies, bath and what I consider beautiful music to soothe the soul.

It was a big weekend, the only ones that count, with DJing, Setsubun, friend's birthdays and a movie night at my friend's house. We watched Hard Boiled and even after so many years, I continue to be moved by John Woo's brilliance. Followed by Resident Evil 6 (which completely sucks, although it did look really pretty).

I'm not watching Animal Kingdom, it's a darn shame that I consider myself Australian and haven't seen this movie only until now. Next on the list is Across the Universe (the Beatles are the greatest band EVER despite my onesided perspective on it) and Julie Taymor's work speaks for itself. And maybe if I'm up for it, Tron: Legacy on blu-ray just for the inspirational eye-candy and killer Daft Punk soundtrack.

Keep on living, even if you don't know what for, because when those moments come, they're great.

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