Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

I wish you Peas!

My peas are coming along well. I tried sowing them a la Gardener's World quite densely planted in a pot and they are looking good. Lots of pods already and plenty of flowers to follow on. Looking forward to tasting them in a week or so.

Thank you everybody for your very generous hearts and stars for my 2000th blip yesterday. I was so grateful - I had fun making it too.

Today started slowly, no plans ahead and not a very nice morning, warm enough but dull. Thankfully no damage either after the high winds last night. I did go out in my nightie at about 1am though and rescue one of the garden chairs which had blown across the lawn.

I had an email from DPD sent at 6.15am to say that the rose I had ordered for my sister's birthday was going to be delivered today between 8 and 9am...unfortunately I didn't get the message till after it had been delivered so couldn't warn her. They sent me a lovely picture of her feet receiving the package, made me laugh. See extra.

Bridge this evening was fun, I'm quite enjoying this online method. I spent time this afternoon too drawing up an account for the money I'd taken out to India what seems like a lifetime ago!

I had an email last week to say that the Botanic Gardens are reopening on the 1st of July, but they are having a members only day on the 29th June for which you need tickets, up to 8 per member. I thought if would be a nice thing for the three parts of our family to do together. Booking opens tomorrow but I decided to check the website before going to bed and to my delight, it was already open so we have our tickets. All we need is a sunny day on Monday now.

Not much exercise today, couldn't really summon up the energy for some reason. Never mind tomorrow is another day!

Steps today 5396

Keep safe everybody the rules are changing an the time but I'm still very happy to be in Scotland

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