Time for my summer outfit
Mono Monday: Summer
This azure female has emerged from her nymph stage today. The husk underneath it is the remnant of that nymph stage - her cast off old clothing no longer required, as she now has a lovely new green summer outfit.
I was lucky enough to be able to watch as she climbed up the leaf, dried out and then gradually emerged. At the time of this shot she hadn't been out for long and her tail was still only starting to extend to its full adult length. Eventually, when her tail and wings were finally extended she flew briefly to a better (safer) position to dry out properly and let her wings and body harden off in the sunshine.
Its a shame that I had to present this one in mono (although it does make a rather striking H R Giger-esq image), as you can't see the very pale green colour that is only just starting to infuse her body and eyes. As she hardens of in the sunshine and matures over the next few days this will turn to a darker green colour.
[Later: I've added the non mono version as an extra but sans-lemon]
It also makes finding the hidden lemon coloured object a little more difficult. Its now Day 8 and the Lemon is still in play.
I have just been reminded by blip that another one of those milestones has some around - this is my 2,000th blip, which means I get the darker blue camera icon - hurrah. Where does the time go? ;-)
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