2000 blips today so as my garden features in so many of my blips I thought I'd use that for my theme.
I'm pleased that I noticed that today was a special day for my blip, usually I miss it. So here are some roses to celebrate. There are some stunning roses in the garden just now and the scents are lovely too. Sadly the weather has not been good today and when I tried to do this outside, it all blew away, so an indoor blip it is! Thank you blip and the blipping community for your friendship and support, especially over recent months. I never imagined when I started how much pleasure I would get from posting my daily image and some notes about my day.
Monday today, the day face masks/coverings became essential on public transport in Scotland Whoever would have imagined?
I was out first thing for a walk, I'd have been out earlier, except that I believed my weather app which told me it was about to rain. After waiting 20 minutes it suddenly changed to say that no rain was scheduled after all, so I headed out, muttering under my breath.
I went out to Craigie before lunch as somehow we'd managed to run out of potatoes, hard to imagine really. This afternoon was spent relaxing, making some chocolate tiffin and planning some meals. No bridge this evening, so we'll probably watch another episode of Vera to catch up. I've several things I should be doing, but I'm having a day off instead.
Keep safe everybody, as the FM said by protecting ourselves, we are keeping others safe.
11569 steps
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