CV Measures #94

Fields of Flax

We had a socially distanced walk with Charlii, Cleo and Rosie and Robyn and Lex today over the fields near where Charlii lives in Cowfold  to celebrate Father's day. 
The farmer near her is growing several fields of Flax, which is always good to see as the fields have a beautiful blue haze when viewed from a usual little Lex was more than willing to pose with the fields behind him - he is growing up so fast! 
I have added a close up shot of the flax flowers in my extras as they are so beautiful.
Some of the other fields have sadly got a lot of failed crops in them, but they do have a very interesting mix of arable weeds - I will be returning very soon!

Grateful today for -
 socially distanced time with my family at long last
The great outdoors, it feels so good 

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