Return of the Lumix

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I was sick of taking crappy pictures of the pretty birdies, so I broke out the Lumix, which I have hardly used in 3 years.

This is the result, which isn't bad considering that waxeyes are REALLY quick. They flit. They flutter. They are there then they are GONE. Also the coconut was rotating in the breeze and there was an excitable cat running around underneath the tree.

Under the circumstances, I'm quite pleased with this picture.

I don't think there's much else in the way of news. Other than Punky is being a RIGHT PAIN about the garden. Honestly, it's like this whenever he's inside:

PUNKY: Garden garden garden garden garden garden garden GARDEN!!

And then when he's outside it's like some bloody WW2 prisoner of war movie. 

PUNKY: Okay chaps, the plan is that I scarper up the tree then over the fence before Fritz has even noticed. And if THAT fails, then I shall attempt to casually saunter out of the gate, using my false papers. Plan C is that you - Jasper old chap - arrange a diversion of some sort while I pretend to be chasing a sparrow but IN FACT run right up the fence! And if all else fails I shall nonchalantly lick my bum and pretend I don't care.

RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH: I'm sorry, but we already have Gordon Jackson down for nonchalantly licking his bum.

So I spent a few hours in the garden today, monitoring "outsidey time". And in fact even had to break off from taking this picture to tell Punky off. 

Don't feel too bad for him. He had a lovely day today. PLUS he got "good boy" ham for coming back inside, and is now laying in front of the fire. Licking his bum nonchalantly. Maybe a little TOO nonchalantly.

Very suspicious.


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