Sun's Up and Chocolate F.....

Staggering with U3A (University of the third age) 
This is many lives do SSD's (small stuffed dogs) have. 
The Boss seems to have at least 3.
Cats, unbarkable creatures that they are, seem to have 9.
 Its a worry.....
Oh..yes, well we were walking to the Chocolate Fish Cafe. Thats a Cafe that to date we have not managed to go to. Its in Shelly Bay and a great walk of 8 KM to it. The Boss was excited as with a lovely walking  lady friend they collected rubbish (he forgot his bag) along the way depositing it in public bins The sun shone and I was completely cosy on his Pak.
I should also mention that The Boss has a strong relationship with Chocolate Fish. New Zealanders in general have a strong relationship with Chocolate Fish (see extra) 
Where was I... Oh Yes...Well there they were staggering along the Shelly Bay road and they noticed that they seemed to be alone. They thought they were in the lead but there didn't seem to be folk behind them so the lady asked if The Boss was sure about the location. He grabbed his phone and realised that he had last seen the walk instructions on his iPad but the lady had the ultimate...A bit of paper with printed instructions which she checked and found the destination was indeed Chocolate..but a FROG.
Temporary panic as The Boss consulted Google Maps and discovered that altho they both started  with "F"  fish were not frogs and a military manoeuvre  known as an "About Turn" was presented as they shouldn't have turned left where there was no rubbish bin but should have gone straight ahead.and about 200 metres back the others were met who apparently knew the difference.
Ginger crunch with yogurt was delicious. 
Pawscript....The image today is the sun behind the glass on his apartment deck early this morning.

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