Mending Life

It's so sweet and comforting to have friends to complain about your aches and pains with. Rebecca and I got our osteoporosis diagnoses at roughly the same time, about 3 years ago. (You, too?!) Mine came about, at least in part, because I am a small, older white woman. She has had a complicated medical history. Since then, we have found much more in common, like our energy level, the way we garden, and many issues: relationship, social, political . . . . making our chair visits lately so good.
She found this book at our local shop: Two Rivers Bookstore/Weird Sisters, a "unique collaboration of literary, fiber and local arts."
Mending: A Handbook for Repairing Clothes and Hearts, is an "exploration of how mending can be a gently healing practice in our daily lives and a small act of rebellion in a world where many things are discarded without thought."
I'm looking forward to getting my own copy.

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