Lost Landies

I have walked past this driveway for years and been fascinated by the assemblage of derelict Land Rovers and other assorted car and boating items. Finally I went round this morning armed with my camera. 

The house has a pretty front garden and it is very off the beaten track. I have never seen anyone there so I got my brave up and rang the bell. Not knowing what to expect it was a pleasant surprise when this gent, Phil, answered. I explained the situation and to my delight not only did he let me go in to take a picture of the cars but agreed to be photographed with them. 

Apparently the Landies would start up with a bit of work so they are not destined for the junkyard. Not so sure about the Lada on the left though.

It turns out that Phil was a graphics designer and has a Hasselblad lurking somewhere upstairs so we had a good camera chat for a few minutes. 

I promised to drop a print round to him. So here is my offering for the Derelict Sunday challenge. Although that might be a bit harsh on some of the vehicles and it certainly doesn't apply to Phil

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