Summers here and we're gonna have fun


A bit of social undistancing today. 

Lala McFlipflop came for a visit.   Lala is making a social bubble with her Auntie - and her auntie stays around the corner.    

She took some time out to come and say hello... along with Luce  Who cycled all the way over from Irvine No Moar. 

It was a very weird thing.... These are girlies I've known and loved since Primary School and it was so difficult to have them stand there in the garden and I couldn't give them all a hug. 

We all paced around the garden in a weird fashion, trying not to get within 2 metres of each other, - which mostly involved running the opposite direction from Si who appears to have completely forgotten how to move away and in the opposite direction from everyone else.

They stopped for a little while and then they all headed down to the beach, appropriately distanced and shouted hello to two of their other pals - and then sought out some sea glass. 

Lala has just started a home business  - Beside the Tide jewelry  ... all her jewlery is made from seaglass, and they tried to find some more - but sea glass is a funny thing.  - It's not just there... 

And there wasn't any on the beach in barassie.

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