Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

It was good to see these two swans in the estuary this morning.  Its the first time I've seen any this year.  Hopefully they'll stay for a little while.   Another in extras of the neighbour's young dog jumping up at Misty earlier.  Misty is very patient with her.  Tonight I went to Bowness at dusk as a friend said I might get to see a barn owl which frequents her garden.  Didn't see it, probably too much activity with us two plus four dogs!  So good to see her Boxer dogs, haven't seen them for a while.  Misty was patient with her puppy.  So today is the longest day... strange how sometimes its the 20th.  I always thought it was the 21st.  Anyhow I always like to be out late... so stayed out until nearly 11pm and still not completely dark.  

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