Sammy an Leona's Peerie Lasses

Midsummer mist has hung over hills and in places most of the day.  The sun has tried, but not getting our 19 hours of sunshine we should!  Fairly breezy too.

Up early, some chores around the house and then walkies with Sammy.  Popped along Madeline's for a cuppa too.  Headed out in the afternoon.  Some garden chores done this evening, before more walkies, then feet up.

I've really had enough of this stupid virus, missing friends, and really missing family.  Today I just had to go out and see my peerie cousin Leona.  It was just Leona and the youngest lasses home, Irvine did come home with his dad, Richard, after.  Even though it was a catchup from the door, it was just so good to see them all again.  Sammy also had a great time, charging around the house with the lasses.  They've fairly grown since I last saw them, and missing that.  Ashlyn starts primary school after summer, and Alicia starts nursery.  Leona was upset at how I got everyone to look at the camera, she claims it never happens :)  L-R - Alicia, Leona, Callie, Sammy and Ashlyn.  Taken at their home, Vidlin.  

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