
Kerr having a quick game of Forza Motorsport 4 on daddy's Xbox this morning.

Gran and Grandpa came to collect him this morning for church. He has missed Sunday School for several weeks now with everything that's been going on with Mack.

I got on with laundry and tidying up while Kerr was out. He came home from Sunday School with a glitter picture he had made which said Know The Truth.

After a lovely visit from Auntie Hazel and Auntie Julia this afternoon, we went to Gran and Grandpa's house for dinner before Mack and I had to come back to the hospital. Between courses, Kerr knocked over a vase with a floral Christmas table decoration in it which was on the floor in the dining room. I helped him pick it up again and sat him back at the table. He jumped up and said 'no, I must tell Gran the truth.'

Next thing he was running into the kitchen saying 'Gran, I accidentally broke your Christmas flowers'

He must have really been listening this morning at Sunday School when they were learning about the truth. We've never spoken to him about this before as we've never yet needed to.

It amazes me how much he takes in these days. His brain really is a sponge just now.

Not always a good thing though as he repeats everything he hears - last week he dropped a book and it fell down the side of his bed.

His response was 'oh foxes sake!!'

I'm hoping the telling off he got is enough not to repeat that one again in a hurry.

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