Electric Lady Hands

Following on from yesterday we decided to have another go with the el wire. Excellent stuff apart from a few issues working out where the camera was in total darkness!

Major annoyance this morning. We need a new sideboard, and want an old one, which could double as a drinks cabinet. So we've been watching ebay. And yesterday we won one, hooray.. Alas it is a little larger than the seller thought and so, after traipsing down to Romford, picking it up and bringing it back (thanks Pete) we found it fits the gap perfectly, until we want to shut the sitting room door! Doh, back on ebay..

Then Alf decided to make a video of my car which involved us driving about a lot. Great fun but he had to bin the video as there was so much wind noise we were unable to capture the dull whirring that my car makes at speed.

Double Doh.. Oh well, a roast dinner and Top Gear, what could possibly go wrong..?


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