Nursery Web Spider

A return to the spider nest this afternoon to see if there had been any developments.  I think the spiderlings inside are preparing for independence as there were definite signs of legs on what I thought were the eggs but are, in fact, the tiny bodies the spiderlings.  Very close by I noticed another nest complete with mummy spider standing guard on the top.  I also found a couple of other nests one with two common green grasshoppers - one (extra) stayed in place long enough to get a single focussed shot but took off as soon as I moved the lens in closer.  I found another spider on guard. We have had this spider in the garden previous years on the rosemary bush.  Back tomorrow to see any changes.  

I need to get closer to the creatures so I think I'll have to take a zoom lens - any extension tube on my macro just means I need to get closer - they don't like this!

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