Another back blip
I'm slacking ... tut! tut!
George & Jean ordered some grass seed for a shady area. Jean bought it through Amazon, she paid £6, I think that's what she said .. It did'nt arrive, they waited, & waited, & waited. "You can't speak to anyone there's no phone number" ..... Then it arrived in a lightly padded packet approximately 4" square, from Malaysia?. Customs declaration contents - Stud earring. Stud earring???? The plot thickens ... almost blurry. Once they had got over the amusement of receiving the very small package containing very few seeds George decided to sow them. He carefully prepared a small patch of ground, incorporating some of Jean's "best" compost, mixed it all together, with all the concentration required to prepare the soil, he misplaced the packet of seed. He could not find it anywhere. George & Jean relayed the story yesterday while I was gardening for them. They reckon it could be weed seed .. I think they could be right. We joked about it .. I said I would probably be reading the headline - '90 year old man arrested in Drug raid'. He has to find the seed, sow it, & grow it first, of course. The hedge problem with the neighbour took a turn .. George & Jean decided to remove their leylandii hedge, exposing all of the neighbours hedge which had been causing mega consternation for the past 6 months. They are amusing.
I was talking to Richard on Wednesday morning about growing potatoes. He'd lifted two haulms, crop quite small. I told him mine were disappointing too, we then got on to growing potatoes from potato peelings with chits. The potato pieces in the blip came from a bag that I'd forgotten about, hence the chits, so an experiment is in progress.
Rain, beautiful rain, it started when I was gardening for G & J, by the time I had packed up, & loaded the car with the clumps of herbaceous perennials that Jean wanted split I was soaked. It was only wet, not cold, but I headed straight for home. The allotment will love it.
The rest of the day is a bit of a blur ... perhaps the rain did more than I realised.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting
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