Planko's Pics

By planko

Bye bye hat

If you view large you can see my favourite fishing hat, a Tilley cotton duck, made out of sail cloth, sailing its way down the river Tay :(

Was fishing up at Dalguise today when a gust of wind blew it off my head and straight onto the water. Hard as i tried to hook it by casting over it, none of my three flies would take hold and it was too deep and fast flowing to wade in...i'd have ended up swimming in waders if i tried.

I chased it down to the bottom of the beat but it stayed in the middle of the river so there was no chance of retrieval. Oh well. Still managed to have a good day though. It wasn't a boozy affair as expected since the guys had watched the rugby yesterday and were hungover so weren't drinking afterwards. Had one with my dinner and now feel very sleepy.

Diet Log:

Breakfast: Special K cereal, Banana
Lunch: HB Minestrone soup, small cup of Leffe beer
Dinner: 2 x HB meat & potato pies, Rum & Coke


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