By lizzie_birkett

Collared Doves

Not such a good photo as taken through the window.
With the bird table/house in a temporary position - low down and close to the house we thought the birds would be to wary to visit it but there are more each day. Mostly sparrows but this pair of collared doves have been coming down each day.
I love them, they are always sitting together in the apple tree.
Such pretty birds. I need to get some different bird food to attract others too. I put out raisins and apple for the blackbirds but they are still a bit wary - I know they are ground feeders but I can't put raisins on the ground as Bella might eat them as they are poisonous to dogs.

Our little Granddaughter Isla had a story book published in the Jacqueline Wilson story book competition! It was all about 2 little girls visiting their granparents house in the Yorkshire Dales - that's us! We're so proud of her. She's only 8 1/2 :-)
I wish we could visit them but they live in County Antrim, N. Ireland.

Little Arlo phoned us last night to tell us about his birthday and thank us for the Jurassic Park board game. He is also 8 now and it is lovely when they get that bit older to have a proper conversation.

Yesterday I started my Rosemary Conley exercises again (the ones I started back in January and stopped when lockdown started!).
This morning I did them again so I am now back in my routine - I already feel better for doing them.
Apart from that I haven't done much today, I pottered about in the garden this morning until it started to rain, tidied around and then spent the day looking at blips, reading, finding new songs to learn on the ukulele and writing some verses to 2 songs I've been working on.
I feel my creativity is slowly coming back. I wonder if it's because of the lockdown restrictions easing. Although we are not going out and about ourselves, we see others getting back to normal.

By the way it's Paul McCartney's Birthday today - 78! I've always thought of him on his birthday as it is 3 days after mine and I have loved the Beatles since I was about 8. I was brought up in Liverpool so there is a connection too.
Here's one of my favourites of his and I'm learning it on the ukulele :-)

Dame Vera Lynn died today aged 103! https://youtu.be/d5aeClRY4kA

If you're out and about don't forget Covid19 is still about ;-)

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