Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


J came with us for the morning walk and we didn’t see as many squirrels, just saying. Finished off cleaning the house in the morning and then put another coat of paint on the recycling shelf and varnish on the balloons and soap dish. After lunch I managed to repair the hem on the curtain in the bedroom and finish off another couple of buffs before packing the sewing machine away. Made a Bakewell tart for out running but I’m not sure how well its turned out and then made chicken fajitas for dinner. Headed out for a 16k run and managed to damage my right calf instead this time. J had her Credit Union board meeting and by the time it had finished it was too late for her to go for a swim. Picked the first of the veg today as I noticed something else was eating the radishes

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