Looking East

According to the weather forecast this morning was meant to be the driest with chances of rain occurring as the day progressed.  I set off after breakfast for a walk along the coastal footpath as I felt in need of a good walk.  It was rather warm, cloudy, still and humid.  Fairly atmospheric really.  I saw the usual birds on the walk enjoying the sound of the skylarks as I climbed up the hill.  This shot for todays wide angle theme of nature was taken looking towards Branscombe with its dark clouds in the distance.  Many of the fields are now mainly growing corn although some other crops are present.  I was on the lookout for hares but unsurprisingly they couldn't be seen, especially since the crops in the fields are taller. It did end up raining but only a very light drizzle just enough to make my hair curly. I returned home in time for lunch and afterwards spent some time on the allotment where no rain materialised and the sun came out.  

It was a camera club zoom meeting with a speaker who now lives in Seattle tonight.  He has some great photos.

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