Another Fine Day in Orkney
After Phil Liggett had interviewed CMC (a big breakaway today) she went in and checked the answerphone. Clint had called. So we took out the loungers and had a Magnum each. Intensive heat, never ending blue skies, sparking Scapa Flow and absolute silence. To gain a bit more appreciation for the finer things in life CMC went and looked out a C45 tape she made years ago. She pressed play and we heard the steady hum of traffic on the A92 from Burntisland as it approaches Inverkeithing.
Today we saw Edna and the bairns going down to the sands at Waulkmill Bay. Something tells me you’ll not hear this exclusive on tonight’s Channel 4 News. If Jon Snow tried one of his ties in Orkney he’d be wrestled into a peat bank.
CMC says she’s going to put some of the blue sky in the deep freeze. I might climb in with it.
Georgie Fame is 76; his anecdote about the cut glass jockstrap still brings a tear to the eye.
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