
By Seelye

Arizona Falls

I have been right by this place but it's on a curve in the road so I never noticed it. It's a restored hydroelectric plant and gathering place with waterfalls. It's formed by a natural 20 foot drop along the Arizona Canal in Phoenix. It's part of a renewable energy program with the Salt River Project.. It has artwork and is open at night. I want to go back to see it lit. I didn't see it all today as I was on to do other things. It was fun though and I enjoyed the water sound so much! And the smell! Kind of like some of the creeks I played by growing up in Virginia.

What is also is amazing to me is the canals all over Phoenix. Many are from what the Hohokum Indians dug over 2,000 years ago. Phoenix would not exist without these canals. This area is stocked with 50,000 white amur fish. They can weigh up to 30 pounds and eat 2/3 of their weight in weeds daily. They do it to control algea and the weeds from clogging things. The canals are nice to ride bikes along. In Virginia ( right outside Wash. D.C.) we would ice skate on the canals that ran along the Potomac River.

What a fun find today!

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