
By DancingAly


I love the light in the mornings. This filter didn't really show it though.

I had quite a good day today. Yesterday I was tired and ratty, and couldn't wait to come home.

Today I woke up feeling optimistic, and focused I guess. We had fun doing subtraction sums using pipe cleaners and beads which worked really well. The children are literally bouncing into school and are so happy to be here. I love that. One little girl wasn't her usual happy self at the entrance, and spent quite a bit of time cuddling her mum. Her mum explained that she had been riding her bike (mum with the pushchair and with a toddler on a bike also in tow) and she'd given her a bit of a fright by wobbling, and she'd shouted at her. I think it was fear and the little girl was fine within a few minutes. Totally understandable- it must be scary if you think they're about to wobble out on to the road! 

I had a phone interview today for the other college. It was supposed to be between 10 and 1pm, so it was a morning spent chained to my phone! In the end she didn't phone until after 12:30pm when I was on my lunch break, but it took about forty minutes. A friend, M, from my course also had hers today, so I texted her good luck. She told me the lady was lovely and she'd felt far more relaxed. 

After mine, I had to agree. Maybe it's just because it was a phone interview rather than Zoom, but it felt more gentle, more relaxed and just generally a good vibe I suppose. 

I guess we won't find out for another couple of weeks as she said they're interviewing next week too. I'd hope to get a place somewhere, but I'm aware I might not get either. It was nice to chat with M later, who reiterated that it was nice to be able to share it with somebody. I couldn't agree more :-) 

I got an email last night from the lady who's typeset my book. It was so strange and yet also exciting, to open it and see it laid out like a real book. I now have to print it and check it all through before it can be printed. It's a strange feeling. 

I didn't walk the dog today, but I'll get my steps up later on in the week. Even though it was hot today, it tipped it down after school like a monsoon, and I had to borrow an umbrella just to get to my car! 

Got home just as Looby-Doo was leaving, wrapped in a muslin scarf fashioned into a raincoat! She looked at me quizzically, before saying, " did you.... did you been to gymnastics?" 

No, Lou, school! 

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