The Tuesday "Run"
Mr P went off in his shorts to run a 8km circuit . I selected a shorter route hoping to find a friend at home because I want to buy a copy of a historical novel she has written on the life of Lady Anne Clifford. This pretty stile and bridge is on a footpath that cuts up to her home . But I found energetic young cows in the field so climbed back, past the nettles and went round the long way. As it was she was not in. I will try again tomorrow.
Day 88
Shops selling non-essentials in England have been open for 2 days now but I not been near one. The only shop I'm wanting to go in is Lakeland (Plastics). I might to try to get there bright and early. Their flagship main shop is down the road, its massive with wide aisles. I'm sure they will be able to design a one way system to take me past all those gadgets I didn't know I needed.
233 sad deaths. The North East has officially over taken the North West in having the most cases per head.
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