Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Basically my day in pictures. The stairs I climb on my way to work (my rear end muscles are really feeling those stairs now...), work chores: while spreading summer flower seeds I found a tired bee on a small forget me not flower. Since I didn't know which bee hive it belonged too, I couldn't move it, so I gently pushed another bunch of small flowers to it and it gripped it with its legs and started eating. I later found out that bees only live two weeks, so... Then I fixed two bee baths and placed them between the planters with different perennials. Sometimes there're two planters with a space between, like in the picture. After that: weeding, taking a photo of a pretty flower and then the way home.
I walked a total of 8,2 km today and over 13500 steps, so I'm really tired. Thankfully it didn't start to rain heavily until I left the supermarket and was close to home. It would've been not so much fun if I was half way home when the sky opened up! Later we also had thunder, but this seems as it's passed now.
Very thankful for my day off tomorrow....  

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