Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Another park

We'd planned to meet Richard on Friday, but the weather didn't co-operate, so we switched to today. A good choice, it turned out, as the weather returned to its former glory, the sun shone and the thermometer climbed back. It was good to see him again, this time in his neck of the woods rather than in town as we usually do. Richard lives in an apartment in Ballinteer, right beside Marlay Park, so we trotted over there and spent an hour or so wandering around there, a place I haven't been to in a great many years.

Before all that I had a morning appointment with my cardiologist. Appointment time was 9:15, and it was only at 8:30 that I got a text to say the meeting would be conducted by phone because of Covid-19. It was 12:15 by the time the phone rang, and I got increasingly frustrated as the conversation proceeded. The team member I spoke to had an annoying tendency to interrupt me as I tried to answer her questions, and I finally had to ask her to shut up and listen. It was all rather unsatisfactory, and I'll need to contact my GP to discuss the rather confusing outcome.

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