Tequila sunrise

Tequila sunrise is the name of this rather beautiful rose that grows at the door of my allotment neighbour's glasshouse.

On Saturday daughter in law No. 2 have me some sour dough starter, l have been feeding it as instructed and it has bloomed  - too much!  When M and l came back from a walk on Hampstead heath l found it had crept, like an alien, out of it's jar and across the bench.  It was really sticky and gloopy and took quite a bit of time to clear - but that was nothing as compared to the stuff once I started making the bread. I had it firmly stuck all over my hands and then in my hair  as l wiped it out of the way.  It was on the bench, the cupboard doors and several different containers.  Things did calm down once l started kneading  it and at last l put it in the bowl to prove.  I left it in the fridge over night to prove slowly and just now put it in the oven.  We will see.  BUT, is it it worth it?  the time and the effort?  should l just go back to my trusty old bread maker?

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