No Substitutes

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I decided to go into work today. I tell a lie. It wasn't work exactly, it was a 3rd party software house that Kainga Ora are working with. Nevertheless. It was an office and I was in it.

My first mistake was that I had forgotten how effing FUH-REEZING Wellington can get. It was pretty warm in Paraparaumu, but when I got off the train, I was greeted with a WHOOSH of cold wind, accompanied by freezing rain. 

I did not bother to step outside at lunchtime.

My second mistake was in thinking it was only a few hours and I wouldn't get too homesick. The truth of the matter is that I spent most of the day missing Caro and the cats. The office I was in was pretty funky and had this fun lamp but it just wasn't the same. 

So I was thrilled when I finally got to my warm, lovely home at 6pm that night. The cats ran in circles around my feet and Caro said they had all missed me too. It is nice to be missed.

Speaking of which, I'm so sorry I missed our call last night Princess. But I had a rotten night's sleep and was struggling to stay awake by 8pm. For the record, I miss you loads.


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