In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

The cage

Finished building this raised bed today
The on it is for growing squash.

Here is a poem I wrote years ago.
Also called The Cage

The cage

There are no bars on this cage
I can see the stars from this cage
I come
I go
Do as I please
Live my life from day to day
Hoping, coping
Just about
Creeping moments crawl away

The purple pills upon the shelf
watch me, sitting, staring.
Thinking of an easy way
I wish someone was caring

There are no locks on this cage
no one to stop me leaving
I sit, I stand
I hear a sound
Dash to the window screaming
It is, it’s not
Just next door, someone is leaving

Words spoken harsh, one angry night
Something about you leaving
Pinch me, nip me, wake me up,
I’m sure I must be dreaming
But no, it’s true,
So light, yet dark
Outside the snow is falling
I hear the darkness calling
“Make haste, come now,”
I hear the voice
It shouts

There are no wardens for this cage
Death seem oh so easy
A sip
A gulp
There it ends
But knowing me, I’d blow it
Right now, be sharp
Just knock them back
Nobody will ever know it

I’m off my food
I sit and brood
Few friends have into bother
One day I will
you wait and see
Then finally it’s over

The bird has flown the final cage

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