Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Wild rose

A day of decent weather, but I've lacked the oomph to get out into the garden, except to take a cup of tea down to W, in his workshop.  On the way back, I found this flower.

A couple of years ago we planted several wild roses.  They are supposed to grow up into our border hedge.  One seems to have perished completely.  The others are making very slow progress.  This one is the only one that has flowered, and hasn't yet managed to get itself up into the hedge, so this flower is almost on the ground.  But the little mini-beetles seem to be enjoying it.  So we must keep hoping that it will eventually clamber up into the laurel.

W has had another day of sorting boxes in his workshop.  The number labelled boxes is increasing.  There must be less clutter, as there is a good amount in the various piles of "rubbish", "recycle", "give away", but what is left is more spread out, so I'm afraid that to my eye it doesn't look much different.

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