Chick Flick

By Flick

Nuclear Medicine: The Waiting Room

Discombobulateredpoopedifiediscoknackered after today ...

My friend Judy was 'nucleared' today in readiness for her big op tomorrow .
I took her out to lunch beforehand which she paid for. What I nice friend I am ;)

In between were Archie and Henry .... nobody got killed so a success I would say.

I took 2 pictures today and I still can't make me mind up this may change in 45 seconds ...

Yup! Changed it ...sigh

...and back again because I don't know which one was rated I think it was this one but I haven't got me commentson have !? AAAGH soon unless I get help I will poladroid it ...

NOPE I PREFER THIS ONE ..going to cook supper now and then frazzle on the sofa ...

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