At the top again
Another walk up the hill this was relatively cool, humid, and quiet except for a mockingbird treating us to his recital. I always find it funny when a mockingbird imitates a seagull, as we're pretty far inland. We also heard a peacock crying at a the house of a neighbor who keeps peacocks and doves. And smelled honeysuckle all up and down the hill.
Although it would've been a good day to work outside, I stayed in and finished a long book that's due back to the library of the next county over. W. works for the county government, so we have access to that library system as well as our own. It was 700 pages of small print, historical fiction of the variety that's not usually my favorite (lots of telling instead of showing), and has taken me ages to get through. In the end I felt like I learned quite a bit, but I'm ready for something lighter now.
Hope you all have a good week ahead!
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