From Now On...

By rachelwhynot


The Passat has died. Or at least the cost of putting some things right outweigh its value. We have never been given to spending huge sums on a car and now we can’t anyway, but browsed this showroom today just to look at some models and get ideas.

We’d actually gone to visit the lavender farm only July is the month, not June. The sun had brought people out though as we couldn’t find anywhere to park at all alternative venues.

Ian was brilliant again in our online service, the topic in Lockdown Lessons this week being Priorities. He used a wonderful analogy of filling a jam jar, first with the most important decisions of life. He used golf balls. Next add the other things we enjoy. He used pebbles. Then add the things of life that are small and almost insignificant. He used sand. The jar could hold everything and still close. Yet when he did things in the reverse order, there wasn’t enough room for the most important things and some of them got left out. Always challenging and giving food for thought.

Great to have a Zoom chat with my sisters to end the day. My extra. V has a date for her whole body scan after the return of breast cancer. M has found a dress for her son’s wedding. B is beginning to feel better after some bad stomach pain. Me, I began the day a bit flat after yesterday’s extravaganza but am counting my many blessings.

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