Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Toss a coin?

This is what I thought I would have to do when deciding which son and family I could allow into my 'bubble'.  They both live locally and I do not have a favourite!

Decision made for me when I had another 'funny turn' on my walk this morning.  Rang 111 when I got home and doctor said he could send paramedics in an ambulance to carry out tests or get myself to A&E.  No1 son was on hand and did the necessary.  He dropped me off to a practically deserted A&E.  Had blood tests and ECG etc. and saw a doctor very quickly.  It was as I expected, my heart valve which was replaced nearly three years ago, has a problem and I have a heart 'murmur' again.  I have to get in touch with my GP again on Monday and hopefully the already requested referral to Cardiology Dept may be moved nearer to the top of the list.  Before my op my only symptom was getting out of breath, so this is a whole new ball game for me.  I can run up and downstairs without getting out of breath but can't seem to go on a flat walk without getting light headed and feeling faint sometimes.
Walks are now banned!
Son took me to hospital in his Mini but after tea and loo break at his house I came home in his Morgan.  That blew the cobwebs away!

Coin not needed!

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