
By KaliBug

The Pattern Of Grey

Feb 2nd: So my challenge that I made was today's weather and Missymoo's was patterns so here is mine.. where I live, the skies are usually grey cloud cover sooooo we have a PATTERN of grey weather! Yeah! hahaha Pathetic I know.

Last night was just EPIC! super awesome party with all my crew :) THE BEST!
Went bowling with the fam today.. scored a 107... not too shabby... I did have the bumpers up, but in my defense, I only used them like 2x... ^.^
Also, hung out with Jacob today... it was pretty awesome :)
Next Wednesday, Nick is coming up and we're going to dye his hair again and I'm going to be doing his senior pictures.. I think Jacob is coming along too :)

Excited for the new semester of school to start because that means I'm that much closer to graduating!!!

So sore today lolz... TOTALLY worth it though.

Hoping to send more pictures of my art to my admissions councilor tonight so I can you know go to college :)

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