9K down and 23K to go!

Today was the Boulder Mountain tour! (On the 32 K course I skied this week without 1000 and some fast racers and fast times - today's winner would be about 1 hour and some).

My goal was to get some shots that showed speed - and when the 4 or 5 paraplegic participants came down my goal became to focus on them and their courage, endurance, and speed. I had been watching different guys work these sleds all week practicing; never saw a gal. It is a thrill, and emotional as well to witness human beings pursue and excel in face of challenges, no matter the circumstances! This sport and the equipment that makes participation and excellence possible for differently abled moves my heart hugely - my mother spent too many years in a wheel chair and was a serious ski athlete before MS - her loss and these men's gain is poignant.

Here here to these athletes and all the many others who rise above their loss.

Worth looking at him in large!

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