New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


The husband reminded me that I needed to to a blip today.  I feel like maybe 10% of my brain woke up today and that the rest is just waiting for me to go back to sleep.  Had a hot chocolate on the sofa and watched a Queer Eye which is my go-to soul medicine. 

Fingers crossed more of the brain wakes up tomorrow.

(double check the blurb to make sure I wrote 'brain' both times and not 'Brian'. Yes. Good. Go ahead and post it)

Oh, highlight of the day was watching a keynote address by Doctor Hannah Fry on work and AI as part of the virutal CIPD festival of work.  It was awesome.  Was tempted to ask in the Q&A if I could have a curio badge but didn't work up the nerve. (Shout out to any fellow curios!)

Today's Soundtrack: Novum Organum by Big Big Train

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