Danksound's Musing

By Danksound

Kenya Landscape

As the weather was rather wet and dull today I thought I would post more pictures of my life in Kenya when I was young.  The first picture is of Lake Victoria at a place called Kisumu.  We used to go there for the dentist and also for a swim in the swimming pool  It was about 60 miles away from where we lived which we considered local as distances were not thought of in the same way as here in England.
The second picture is our car travelling down the side of the Rift Valley to the bottom.  We used to have to stop half way down to let the engine cool down before we could resume our journey.  You can see the wall of the Rift Valley on the opposite side. 
The third picture is an example of local village life way up in the Nandi Hills. 

We used to travel about as much as we could to see the country we were living in as it was once in a lifetime opportunity.

Day 88

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