I am rosco

By iamrosco


Early rise to grab some breakfast, gather stuff together and head across to Gatwick for the return flight. Handy staying next to Tower Hill, especially for nipping onto the Circle/District line round to Victoria to get the train out to the airport...oh, right, it's the weekend, of course they aren't running.

Balls, and the little coffee place I had my eye on is of course shut as I make my way over to Bank to catch the Central line. Guess that's par for the course at the weekend in the City though. Here's my non-caffeinated commute.* On the train, I managed to snap this through a relatively clean portion of window - a recognisable silhouette I'm sure you'll agree.

Before I leave the coffee situation completely, I want to note my surprise that I was found in Association yesterday. It was amazing at the time, with the added bonus of reliving it as I saw this post as I was publishing mine last night. I really has no idea that was taken.

Good fun last night, I hope the others made it back and managed to rise in good time for their respective return legs. A healthy dose of story swapping come Monday I imagine.

* I'm having a lot of fun with Vine.

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