Counting poppies

He’s growing up so fast and it seems so sudden. We’ve had him at home with us for 3 months now and in the life of a two year old that’s a long time!
I feel sad that the rest of our family are missing out on these most precious days and when they finally get to see him how much more will he have changed?
Today he told us for the first time without any prompting “I need a wee.” He is playing by himself more and more, beginning to sing songs; something I’ve been trying to get him to do for so long! (He will sing to himself in bed and when he doesn’t think anybody else is listening but is reluctant to sing together with us)
Yesterday at bathtime he said “leave me alone Mummy so I can have swim,” and today commented “I know what you’re thinking.”
He’s definitely no longer our baby and very much our boy. He is loving being at home with us, especially Anya but I do worry he’ll find going back to nursery difficult. We’ll cross that bridge when necessary but for now I’m making the most of every day whilst we’re lucky enough to have him to ourselves.

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