Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Falla Toll Road

A cool morning, but a bike ride soon warms you up. Taking the chance to do a 50 miler while I can. Apparently the wind is 4mph, but it feels a lot more than that. And looking at other cyclists cycling in the opposite direction, they are affected by this 'light wind too. On the plus side, it isn't the 50mph wind there has been over winter. The wind is in my face heading south out of Auchendinny. In my face heading east over Mount Lothian. And then in my face heading west on the Falla Toll Road. The blip is taken just before the descent to the A703.

The headind continues down the A703 and up and over the Meldon Hills.. From Lyne, my luck changes. From there, through Romannobridge to West Linton cycling is much faster. However once on the Moor Road to Penicuik, the wind reappears, but more of a right shoulder wind. The tail wind reappears after Penicuik, and the ride home is nice from there on.

The ride can be seen at Relive here.

As the charity shops are closed, it's a walk around the local park. The blossom against the blue sky looks really nice. Still lots of people out enjoying the sunshine. Despite Social Distancing already introduced, people are enjoying Mother's Day and making the most of the weather and freedom before the government finally decides on an official lockdown.

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