Nectaroscordum siculum

Today's the day ................. to introduce

We saw this spectacular-looking plant last year when we were in Ireland - and I was determined that we would have it in our garden.

So once I found out what it was, I set about finding a supplier.  That was easy because it turns out that we seem to be the only gardeners that had never heard of Nectaroscordum siculum or Sicilian Honey Garlic!  It was planted at the end of last year and forgotten about - so it's just as well that it's the sort of plant that really looks after itself.

We've been enjoying it so much over the past weeks.  It has large, nodding heads of cream flowers, flushed pink or purplish red, and tinted green at the base. They are a magnet for bees and other pollinators.  Then as the flowers fade, the seed pods stand up to attention as you can see here.

Every garden should have some …………………….

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