One of my favourites
We're back to the sunshine today after a day with rain. We must have a sheltered place on our deck, as sitting out with my usual tea and Jane Austen after lunch it was really almost too hot!
Had a walk down to town afterwards - just as well I went by myself as I must have spent almost an hour chatting, between four different people! Coming up the steps behind my garage I spotted the first flower on my young plant of Asteranthera ovata, a little scrambling plant from Chile which pushes its way up the moss. Why isn't it seen more often? No idea!
I did a bit more planting on the drive bed later - Geranium palmatum and Geranium robertianum album, as well as Hippeastrum x acramannii and Leucophyta brownii, a silvery plant from South Australia. So many wonderful plants to try!
Quote of the Day:
"Botany is the science in which plants are known by their aliases".
- Anon.
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