
By Jen_Elliot

Turing Tumble

So the long awaited gift from Granny arrived. I should explain it was long awaited by Granny, not the kids - they were unaware. My mum had noticed a game called Turing Tumble on my facebook page because I'd liked their page (the power of advertising, eh!). She decided to buy it for the grandweans but it took some time from order to arrival and Granny was getting a bit antsy.

I promised her I'd call her as soon as it came and duly yesterday that call was made. This evening it was cracked open. We read the front page at the dinner table which was an overview of Alan Turing which sparked a good discussion. My daughter didn't really show interest in the game but we all took part in the discussion. My son (whom we do call ''Young Sheldon') got interested after a bit of coaxing.

Happily as he set it up and worked through the questions, he got really intrigued and stuck at it for a good while. This shot is of him engrossed. It show the detritus of daily life (green tape on windows, my pythagoras puzzle, laundry drying, my husband's wine glass, anniversary flowers) in the background but I wanted to share it with Granny.

The quarantine gift was a hit!

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