New kit

About 6 months ago the ladies' running group decided they wanted a new look and after some discussion decided, in March, on colour and design. Due to lockdown there was no hurry to get them done but I finally got round to ordering a sample for me and it arrived today. Hope the group are happy with it (bright orange wasn't my first choice but they wanted something very visible for safety reasons. We've had a bee on things in the past, tnt like this one).
p.s. in the garden today was an adult female great spotted woodpecker feeding 2 young from the peanit feeder.
We had customers at Foodbank today, provided for 8 people. Then delivered some meals to a couple just outside of town.
My cross-stitch progressed a bit further and I had a short run, by which time the rain had stopped. We had a decent amount so won't need to water for a while.

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