
By Cumbrialass

Battered but not unbroken

At the beginning of lockdown, when everyone was drawing rainbows our neighbour stuck this 'windmill' over her gate. 11 weeks on and despite all the strong winds we have had it has remained in place and spins round at the slightest breeze.. 
Looking at it today it is showing signs of wear and tear  but it's still there and working. A symbol for our times? 

A  busy morning,  the old log edging, mostly decomposing was removed and the timber edging was put in place. We now have a pile of rotten wood that needs to go to the tip. I'm hoping we can pick a time when its not too busy. When it first reopened there were  long  queues causing chaos down the main road.

We then drove  to AH to walk round the grounds with Fletch . The lawns are still dry but are now covered in daisies and buttercups. We had the place to ourselves... very peaceful. 

From AH to 'Big ' Tesco. For the first time in 3 months M came with me. It wasnt busy so we got round quite quickly. 

From there to Screwfix which had a  l o n g queue and we were tempted to turn around.. but I went and stood in the suddenly quite hot sun for half an hour. 
When I got back to the car I saw they hadnt given me what I'd ordered online.  I went back to the queue .. Despite my showing the item I'd ordered on my phone was very different they insisted they had given me the right order.  It was only a box of screws but there was a £5 difference .As it was by then I was hot and fed up  and left. Next time Tool Station will get our custom. 

Not hot tonight.. its cooler and raining.. proper heavy rain.. we certainly need it

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