Back to Normal

I have had a normal day.  After breakfast I parked by the lake and took a few photos before going to morning tea with the church ladies.  I like this one the best because it depicts a typical normal winter sunny day.  The other extras missed the cut.  (1)  Fog and Niger Peaks.  (2)  Fog Peak

At the cafe I had a cuppa lemon herbal tea and a pin wheel scone, as I normally do.  On the way home I did a small grocery shop, then after lunch had a walk to the lake and back through the park.  Collected 15 walnuts.

Now I am going to school to collect 'Tween 'H' and take her to swimming.  If I am lucky I will have completed my 10,000 steps, so will be able to relax for the rest of the day.

It is wonderful being 'normal'

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