James is 4...!

Today is James' birthday, so a little get together at his and Rich's tonight! 
We had someone over for lunch and the afternoon which was lovely, then one of our friends from the streets joined too which was good. Good until we got a message from the landlord saying he didn't want people like 'that' near the building...arghhhhh!!! Can you believe there's a brothel on the top floor, we have people ringing our bell at all hours of the night, even had people trying to get into our apartment in the middle of the night turning up on the wrong floor, and our landlord has just said to them to keep the noise down...but friends of ours who have no fixed address are the ones who really upset him and ruin the supposed image of the building!!! I felt so upset. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This lovely man James.
2) Asha's effort creating gifts for James.
3) Rain.

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