Marsupium Photography

By magi

signs of our time

Slow morning then trip to deepest North Edinburgh to check out some graffiti. On the way through the Park it was clear that a huge protest was going on. I was surprised that I totally missed any anouncements. I am clearly not as plugged into what is going on as I had thought. I didn't stay very long as I hadn't planned for a protest.

Second stop Newhaven and Western Harbour. I wandered along the breakwater to the derelict lighthouse. On the way back I stopped to checkout the masked mermaid of Newhaven (see extra). Then onwards to the Eastern Breakwater to see the Granton Neptune (the other extra).

What a year! The murder of George Floyd by the police provided the spark to light the fuse. Racial police violence is sadly nothing new. However, people are fed up with politicians serving the wealthy and destroying the prospects of the young. The Covid 19 crisis and the ongoing climate catastrophe are all part of that. The anglosaxon flavour of capitalism with Trump and Johnson at the helm is particularly crass. But it is not only the UK and the US. The young get also shafted elsewhere. Special bailout for the car industry in Germany? 

The climate catastrophe is slowly rumbling on, postponed by the politicians as tomorrow's problem. It took the Covid 19 crisis to shine an uncompromising light on how our society works and where the inequalities lie. It took the racist murder of an American for people across the world to say enough is enough.

Pictures of the Black Lives Matter protest and my exploration of deepest North Edinburgh on flickr.

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