
By Cumbrialass

Sleepy Sunday

A lazy morning. Spent some time on the internet looking for long reach hedge trimmers as the beech hedge has grown. The person we used to get to do the job has moved on to better things!  

I then looked at reviews for an update to my Windows 7 computer. The couple I liked the look of seem to be out of stock.  Ah well the old pc is working well so no immediate rush. 

Walk with Fletch the Tesco Metro  today as theres a lot of wide grassy areas to walk on and nicer for Fletch. Back home to tackle the rest of the cardigan! 

As I thought about going out with the camera it began to rain! .. finally.  It wasnt very heavy and didnt last long . Went out in to the garden to do my 12 pics for the "1 day 12 pic" which I should have done yesterday. Back inside and it rained again. 
 Not a very exciting day... but relaxed .
Blip is my 12 pic collage of the garden

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